Events & News

Tai Chi and Health Seminar
The Talk on Tai Chi And Health

日期/Date: 星期日2009年9月6日
Sunday (06-09-2009)

時間/Time: 11.00 am- 3.00pm

場地/Venue: (二樓)馬來西亞楊式太極拳總會大廳
(2nd Floor)The Hall of Association
2C, Jalan PJS1/31
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

流程 Program:

1. 太極拳的歷史回顧及發展
The History and Development of Tai Chi
(總會秘書處 Association Secretariat)
2. 從西醫解剖學分析太極拳與健康
Medical Analysis of Tai Chi And Health
(葉皇仕醫生, 李居新醫生主講)
Dr. Yap Yok Sing MBBS
Dr. Lee Kee Shan MBBS
3. 太極拳的實際應用分析
Analysis of of Tai Chi Chuan Application
Instructor General Chin Kim Loy AMP, PJK

Organised by Persatuan Tai Chi Chuan Gaya Yang Malaysia
Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia